steve widmer catalyst ministrty solutions
By Steve Widmer
May 09, 2024

“Money is the root of all evil.”

How many times have you heard people misquote this Bible verse?  Money is not evil, nor is it the root of all evil.

Currency, in one form or another, is part of life’s equation.  Whether you trade time, talent, or treasure – everyone needs to purchase something from someone else at some point.

Money is not evil.  “The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.”

Engaging in capital campaigns for churches can significantly bless your ministry and community.  Not to take – but to empower people to give.

Avoiding talking about money in the church can have disastrous consequences.  Not just for the church’s budget but for the hearts of the congregation and the care of your community.

Have you considered the ways capital campaigns for churches could benefit your community?  Do you know if your church is ready for one?

Let’s find out!

Capital Campaigns for Churches Can Start Crucial Conversations

Churches must talk about money.  Jesus did.  Roughly 15% of all of His recorded teachings involved money.

Talking about money in the church can be uncomfortable for some.  But not discussing it can be devastating.

If your church doesn’t intentionally teach about finances, people will be left to draw their own conclusions about what your church believes about money.

Further, people may be unaware of your church’s legitimate financial needs.  Many people would be happy to be financially supportive if given the opportunity.

There are generous people in your church who are exceptional with finances.  When churches avoid capital campaigns, you may never know who those people are.

They may not be aware of how they are gifted.  Nor will they be able to support others in their journey of generosity and wise stewardship.

If we avoid this topic, we miss a massive opportunity to build up our churches in faith, faithfulness, and generosity.

But it doesn’t have to be this way for you.

3 Reasons Your Church Should Consider a Capital Campaign

Capital campaigns for churches are not a silver bullet.  But they can be like rocket fuel, catapulting your church to new heights when you recognize the signs that your church is ready.

Here are three indications that it’s time to consider launching a capital campaign.

1: Complete a Project with a Capital Campaign

Does your church building have a physical, tangible need to address?  Will the solutions cost more than your savings can support?

If so, you might be ready for a capital campaign.

Expansions, renovations, and even noticeable repairs can be successfully addressed by a capital campaign.  If done well, these initiatives can create real momentum for your church.

Consider the following:

  • Upgrades: Seating, Lighting, Technology & Office Equipment
  • Renovations: Classrooms, Nurseries and Child Care Spaces, Sanctuary, Welcome/Gathering Area & Spaces for Youth
  • Expansions: Larger Sanctuary, Added Class Rooms & Multi-purpose Spaces
  • Repairs: Parking Lots & Windows

Your project must solve a problem, meet a felt need, and engage a meaningful purpose.  People want to be helpful.  But they must emotionally connect with the initiative to engage most fully.

For example.  If you replace pews with chairs, just for the sake of comfort, people may not be motivated to contribute.

But if your purpose extends beyond comfort and reaches into the community, more people will be moved to contribute.

Replacing pews with chairs can transform a sanctuary into a multi-purpose space.  Now it can be used to serve your community in a variety of ways.

You can (and should) apply the same principle to the other categories.  People want to make a difference in the world.  Show them how their money can contribute to the greater good.

2: Utilize a Capital Campaign to Advance Mission

There is no shortage of opportunities for churches to make a meaningful impact in the world.  Most Christians are eager to engage.

Researchers found that 95% of practicing Christians gave to charities in 2022.  The majority of volunteer hours logged in the US are among religious organizations.

If you have the opportunity to encourage your congregation to contribute to a missional opportunity that’s beyond your block and budget – a capital campaign can be the rocket fuel you need.

This allows people to break out of the day-to-day grind and connect their lives to a vision that’s bigger than themselves.

Don’t let your budget keep you from empowering your church to engage in an inspiring mission.  Consider initiating a capital campaign to get out of a rut – and make a tangible difference in the world.

3: Deepen Discipleship with a well Implemented Capital Campaign

Do you need an opportunity to correct people’s misunderstanding of how your church views money?  If “money is not the root of all evil,” then there is nothing wrong with teaching about money.

If “the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil,” then it seems necessary for church leaders to address financial stewardship from the front.

In the last few years, Americans have endured a global pandemic, an economic recession, and shocking inflation.

Wise leaders will help their congregations understand how to hold on to their faith and utilize their finances faithfully – especially during difficult times.

A strategic capital campaign can elevate generosity and faith.  It can be a milestone in people’s where they don’t just learn, but experience, that God is faithful.

3 reasons church consider capital campaign

How Capital Campaigns for Churches Can Go Wrong

A capital campaign is by no means a quick fix for every problem.  Some issues simply will not engage people at an emotional level.

Debt reduction and differed maintenance are some examples.  Of course, it’s wise to address both.  Just not with a capital campaign.


During a capital campaign, people want to see how their dollars are making a difference.  Tangibly.  Quickly.

A capital campaign should be positioned as a solution to a meaningful problem – and a spark for long-term transformation.

Churches have a limited number of defining moments in their lifetime.  These opportunities must be maximized, not squandered.

One of the biggest mistakes I have seen churches make with capital campaigns is trying to do it alone.  Some resist the idea of hiring a consultant for a capital campaign.

It can feel strange to pay someone to help you raise money.  Wouldn’t you save money by not paying them?

Probably not.

Not hiring a consultant – or hiring the wrong consultant – can cost you far more than partnering with an expert you can trust.

Are You Ready to Start Your Capital Campaign?

Put our experience to work for you!  The sooner we connect, the greater access you’ll have to our extensive network of professionals in various fields.  We’ve guided hundreds of churches at every stage in the capital campaign process.

For over 17 years, we’ve helped churches put strategy to vision and get their projects to the finish line.  We can help you choose contractors and consultants, develop ambitious and achievable timelines, and celebrate what God empowers you to achieve.

Most churches will engage in one capital campaign every 10-15 years.  Most pastors don’t stay at their church beyond seven years.

You can use this moment to make a difference that can last a lifetime.  It would be our honor to walk with you as you lead your church to impact the world.

Reach out today and get started!

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steve widmer catalyst ministrty solutions
Steve Widmer
Steve is Catalyst's Development Executive for Church and School clients. Steve developed a process called Catalyst Ministry Solutions (CMS). CMS is a process that exists to help churches and schools create the roadmap to reach their next level of impact. Steve brings 20+ years of success as a leader in Corporate America and 15 years working on staff in church leadership and consulting with churches in the areas of generosity, leadership, and staff development.