steve widmer catalyst ministrty solutions
By Steve Widmer
September 16, 2024

Have you ever wondered where your congregation goes during the summer months? Church leaders often say, “You can’t fight summer,” with calendars quickly filling up with picnics, parties, and vacations.

It’s true that summer offers endless joy for families and communities alike, but preaching to half-full pews and empty worship halls can be disheartening for churches. The good news is that you can position your church as the central hub for sunny activities, laughing children, and joyful celebrations that honor God by optimizing your unused church spaces.

With some planning and creativity, these vacant areas can become vibrant gathering points for your community from June through August—and beyond.

The Benefits of Unused Church Spaces

Churches often struggle with managing underutilized spaces, especially if they have been dormant for quite some time. However, now that it is summertime, these spaces hold great potential to serve as catalysts for community engagement and outreach.

Whether it’s a large lawn, a multipurpose hall, a worship space, or a peaceful courtyard, each area can be reimagined to host various activities that mirror the spirit of the summer season.

While exciting, creating summer church spaces can also be challenging, especially if you don’t know where to start. That’s why strategic partnerships are key to creating your church calendar.

Team up with local organizations, businesses, and volunteers to tap into a wealth of expertise and resources to create meaningful and Godly experiences. These partnerships will not only enhance your activities but also nurture ownership among stakeholders, creating a culture of collaboration that is important for the growth of your church.

5 Creative Ways to Utilize Summer Church Spaces

While some events can overlap with fall, winter, and spring, there are many activities specific to summertime that would be perfect for your summer church space utilization, including:

1. Summer Camps

Children are a heritage from the LORD (Psalms 127:3-4), so we must work to nurture their body, mind, and spirit year-round. Your church can offer diverse programs to entertain youth during their summer break, with the aim of continuing their engagement throughout the year. This also benefits working parents, offering a safe place to bring their children during the day. Here are some ideas that will spark some inspiration for your summer church spaces:

  • Christ Church Pewaukee holds a weekly summer Vacation Bible School (VBS). 2024’s theme is “Celebrate the Savior—Jesus Gives Us Joy.”
  • Host sports camps to keep the kids in your community active and healthy. If more than one area is vacant, divide the children into age groups to optimize your spaces.
  • Art workshops are a great way to foster creativity in the next generation. Sketching, painting, sculpting, and watercolor are some ideas that will bring joy to children’s faces while using areas like classrooms.

2. Community Events

Organizing community events creates lasting memories for your congregation while utilizing your empty church spaces. The opportunities for special occasions in the summertime are infinite, so get creative! Evolve Church holds a “Marriage Night Out” for local adults, a perfect example of a fun evening for local residents. Here are some other ideas for community events:

  • Reach out to musicians to arrange an outdoor or indoor concert.
  • Choose wholesome films for a movie night under the stars. Rent a popcorn or cotton candy machine to make it extra special!
  • Invite local farmers and food vendors to sell their goods at a farmer’s market.
  • Find artisans eager to showcase their talents in a craft show.

3. Educational Programs

Explore hosting educational opportunities to engage the minds of your community and nurture a spirit of learning and growth within the walls of your church. If you are struggling for ideas, here are a few for inspiration:

  • Collaborate with local educators to host classes on various subjects, from arts and crafts to finances to language lessons.
  • Organize a reading club or literacy program for children and adults, which will inspire a love for reading and storytelling.
  • Find community leaders to offer seminars or discussions on topics that promote personal development and spiritual growth.
  • To nurture curiosity, create a space for hands-on experiences, such as gardening, scrapbooking, or woodworking.
  • Hold music lessons or choir rehearsals to encourage expression and appreciation for the arts.

4. Support Services

Proverbs 19:17 says, “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord,” emphasizing the importance of serving others. Offering support services is the perfect way to address vulnerable local residents’ needs while teaching a sense of compassion within your church community.

  • Encourage members of your church to donate non-perishable food items. Set up tables in an unused church space throughout the summer and invite the underserved community to your food drive.
  • Set up collection points within your church for gently used summer clothes for adults and children, including t-shirts, shorts, dresses, sandals, and swimsuits.
  • Schedule a day to hold a “Dress for Success” event in one of your vacant rooms. Dress for Success is a global nonprofit organization that aims to empower women to achieve economic independence by providing them professional attire and career development.
  • Repurpose the front foyer of your church building as a drop-off point for toy donations meant for less fortunate children. Promote the drive through social media, local flyers, and community outreach.

5. Partnerships with Local Organizations

Summertime is a great opportunity to build relationships and partnerships with established organizations in your community, especially if their values align with your church.

Collaborations with schools, nonprofits, and businesses can enhance your summer calendar, bringing an even bigger audience to your summer church spaces while positioning yourself at the forefront of your community.

Some organizations to consider are:

  • Salvation Army
  • Medicare/Medicaid training
  • Goodwill
  • Local non-profits
  • Summer drop-in center

Overcoming Challenges in Utilizing Summer Church Spaces

Now that you have decided to put good use to the unused spaces in your church this summer, it’s time to prepare for any challenges that may stall your events.

Addressing logistical considerations, securing funding, and ensuring adequate staffing require thoughtful planning and proactive solutions. Consider seeking volunteer support, student internships, and creative fundraising strategies, and your church can navigate these obstacles and maximize the impact of its summer initiatives.

Catalyst Construction Can Help

By embracing innovation, strategic partnerships, and diverse activities catering to your community’s different interests and needs, your church can turn unused spaces into a bustle of summer activity.  Let this summer be a season of transformation, growth, and boundless possibilities for your church and the community it serves.

Since 2004, Catalyst Construction has helped churches go from strategy to vision so they can do what they do best: honor God and fulfill His work on Earth. With our team of experts, we’re here to help you throughout your construction journey.

Reach out today for a free consultation.

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steve widmer catalyst ministrty solutions
Steve Widmer
Steve is Catalyst's Development Executive for Church and School clients. Steve developed a process called Catalyst Ministry Solutions (CMS). CMS is a process that exists to help churches and schools create the roadmap to reach their next level of impact. Steve brings 20+ years of success as a leader in Corporate America and 15 years working on staff in church leadership and consulting with churches in the areas of generosity, leadership, and staff development.