
5 Ways to Utilize Church Space During Summer

Have you ever wondered where your congregation goes during the summer months? Church leaders often say, “You can’t fight summer,” with calendars quickly filling up with picnics, parties, and vacations. It’s true that summer offers endless joy for families and communities alike, but preaching to half-full pews and empty worship halls can be disheartening for churches. The good news is that you can position your church as the central hub for sunny activities, laughing children, and joyful celebrations that honor God by optimizing your unused church spaces. With some planning and creativity, these vacant areas can become vibrant gathering points [...]

By |June 21st, 2024|

5 Construction Priorities That You Can’t Afford to Overlook

There are two types of people in this world.  Those who make “to-do” lists – and those who rely on them!  Which one are you? Knowing what to expect helps you prepare.  Being prepared empowers you to be present.  Like going on vacation.  If you thought through everything you need and double-checked your luggage, you’ll be far better positioned to enjoy the ride. Of course, you don’t have to plan the life out of everything you engage in.  Spontaneity has its place.  But you don’t want to walk into your life’s biggest moments with a blindfold on. Taking on a [...]

By |June 17th, 2024|

10 Effective Development Partnerships for Church Spaces

Seasons change.  Chapters close.  Life cycles repeat. There is a time for everything under the sun.  There is a time to start new churches, close old ones, and revitalize declining churches. Tragically, many churches don’t recognize their current stage in the church’s lifecycle. John Bussman reports that churches can dramatically overestimate their health.  His research found that: “LCMS congregants are three times likelier to report growth than official attendance data suggests, and 70% less likely to report decline than official attendance data suggests.” This phenomenon is not unique to one denomination.  Churches of all flavors can misread their situation – [...]

By |June 6th, 2024|

Bring Your Vision to Reality with a Multilayered Church Construction Process

DIY is all the rage. YouTube tutorials promise to make everyone an expert.  That’s great in some cases.  Why not learn how to craft, paint, or upcycle? In other cases, DIY can be disastrous.  Take whitewater rafting as an example.  You can read blogs, watch videos, talk to experts, and even take a class.  But you need a guide if you’ve never physically gone through rapids on a raft. Once you’re in the water, there's no time for second-guessing or revisiting your notes.  The unpredictable rocks and rapids demand split-second decisions.  They won’t offer a second chance.  Without an experienced [...]

By |June 3rd, 2024|

Church Building Construction: Embracing Flexibility and Adaptability

Do you remember driving in new places before a GPS navigation system told you exactly what to do?  If you were cautious, you’d track down a map at a gas station, or print one from the internet. Otherwise, you had to rely on the well-meaning, but less helpful directions from a friend. They'd say, “Turn left by the big tree. “You can’t miss it,” they’d promise. Inevitably, you’d miss it! Even with the best of directions, you couldn’t possibly anticipate the amount of traffic, detours, or Sunday drivers.  All of which could cause you to pivot and find an alternative [...]

By |May 23rd, 2024|

Can You Complete a Church Construction Project without Church Debt?

Debt is a four-letter word - literally.  But is it that kind of four-letter word?  Debt can send your anxiety through the roof.  Just watch the US Debt skyrocket at  You could also listen to politicians debate the merits of student debt relief. In this cultural moment, it’s hard to see debt as anything other than bad or foolish. But is debt always bad? Is all debt bad? Should debt be avoided at all costs? The pressure of going into debt is amplified when applied to the church.  Spiritual dynamics must be factored in.  Multiple people are involved.  A [...]

By |April 27th, 2024|Tags: |

Reframing Your Ministry: 3 Ways to Leave a Church Legacy

Death and taxes.  They say those are the only unavoidable things in life.  There’s some truth to that, but not only for people.  It’s also true for organizations like churches. It’s a harsh reality to face.  But it’s becoming increasingly common in America.  Lifeway reports that up to 10,000 churches close their doors every year. No one wants to be entrusted with shutting off the lights for the last time.  So many memories are embedded in between the walls of a church building—weddings, baptisms, laughter, prayer, worship, grieving, and more. Every church, though, has a lifespan.  It has a birthday, [...]

By |April 22nd, 2024|

Designing Children’s Ministry Spaces: 4 Priorities to Help Your Church Flourish

Children aren’t the future of the church.  They ARE the church.  Children of every age are a meaningful part of every church.  Didn’t Jesus say He wants the little children to come to Him? Prioritizing children is a privilege for the church.  Children and families should receive consideration in plans, budgets, and building space. When designing children's ministry spaces, you must balance multiple priorities.  From caring for individual children to integrating safety policies for volunteers to crafting functional spaces – you’ve got your work cut out for you! Designing children's ministry spaces is not a solitary task. It's a collaborative [...]

By |April 21st, 2024|Tags: |

Key Questions and Essential Spaces for Church Design

Could you imagine going to church in a gym? Some churches wouldn’t have it any other way, and others would absolutely go to church in a gym—but only if it was strategically renovated. Everyday Church purchased an old LA Fitness building to renovate. Soon, the church will transform the old gym into a place of worship and ministry for the community.  When the renovations are complete, no one will accidentally show up to the building for a workout. On the other side of the country, though, people show up to a church building for their workout.  As Is Church renovated [...]

By |April 5th, 2024|Tags: |

6 Key Priorities for a Successful Church Construction Process

Your church building matters to God.  It can be a sacred space that cultivates community, inspires worship, and tangibly demonstrates love to your neighbors. Church building projects are defining moments in the life of a church.  They require an enormous investment of time, energy, and finances.  New church construction will set the trajectory for the future of your congregation. Just like you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression, you don’t get a second chance to work through a church construction project. If you’re considering taking on a church building project, you likely have many questions. Where [...]

By |April 1st, 2024|
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